Two Enemies Redeemed: Beyond the Chain of Hatred That Began at P

NHK TV Special Documentary

Home use DVD. The dramatic story of two enemies who were freed from their hatred when both believed in Jesus Christ. Mitsuo Fuchida was the Japanese pilot who hated Americans and led the raid on Pearl Harbor that brought the USA into WW2. Jake DeShazer was an American staff sergeant and bombardier who bombed Nagoya, was captured and imprisoned by the Japanese and treated cruelly. A guard gave DeShazer a Bible and he encountered Christ's prayer to forgive the people who put him on the cross. DeShazer believed and his hate was transformed into love for the Japanese. After the war he returned to Japan as a missionary to plant a church in Nagoya. His testimony was read by Fuchida who got a Bible and also read the same amazing words of Christ and became a Christian. They met as brothers in Christ and often spoke at the same meetings. Fuchida became an evangelist speaking all over the US and Japan. Includes interviews with family members and people who met them with real film of both men. 48 minutes.

Issued date:2017/02/24
Price:¥2,090(tax included)