Samuelle, Tomihiro Hoshino
Price:¥1,650(tax included)
Samuelle sings 5 songs he wrote based on the poetry of quadr……
Issued date:2014/04/25Price:¥1,650(tax included)
Price:¥396(tax included)
Kumi-ko sings 5 hymns: Jesus Loves Me, Sweet Hour of Prayer,……
Issued date:2014/03/20Price:¥396(tax included)
Kaori Yamamoto
Price:¥495(tax included)
6 original songs plus a folk song in pops style that encoura……
Issued date:2014/02/25Price:¥495(tax included)
Price:¥660(tax included)
First new album in 5 years from this band of soulful singers……
Issued date:2013/11/25Price:¥660(tax included)
Price:¥726(tax included)
Here is the first full album by the daughter of jazz singer ……
Issued date:2013/10/25Price:¥726(tax included)
First in a projected 5 volume recording of 100 songs selecte……
Issued date:2013/10/23Price:¥2,750(tax included)
Various artists
Price:¥660(tax included)
Musical presentation of the life of Jesus Christ with songs ……
Issued date:2013/09/30Price:¥660(tax included)
Kaori Sion
Price:¥2,750(tax included)
Classical flute instrumental music by Kaori Sion with Kazuok……
Issued date:2013/09/10Price:¥2,750(tax included)
Various artists
Price:¥726(tax included)
More songs in Hawaiian, English and Japanese with Hawaiian s……
Issued date:2013/06/25Price:¥726(tax included)