Atlas of the European Reformations ( Chizu de Manabu Shuukyoh Kaikaku )

Tim Dowley

On the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation under Luther, here is a great way to become familiar with this great movement and the faith that has been passed down to us. The atlas is broken into four primary parts. "Before the Reformation" presents the larger political, religious, and economic context of Europe on the eve of the reformation. "Reformation" presents the major contours of the reformation, including Lutheran, Reformed, English, and Anabaptist movements. "Catholic Reform and Counter-Reformation" provides extensive information on the reforming movements within Catholicism and the responses to other movements. Finally, "Early Modern Europe" sheds fresh light on the movement and implications of the reformation in the later sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. 190X240mm size, 160 pp.

Issued date:2017/04/01
Price:¥2,640(tax included)