The Secret of the Fourth Candle ( Yon Honme no Rohsoku no Himitsu )

Patricia St. John

This book contains three separate short stories: "The Four Candles", "The Cloak", and "The Guest". They are set in Morocco, North Africa where the author spent 27 years as a missionary nurse. "Candles" is a story about Aisha, a poor native girl in North Africa, who sees Advent candles in the home of her mother's British employer. The vision of the candles overcomes the girl with joy. She experienced the sadness of being shut out of the world of the rich but then learns about Jesus and his love for her. The first two stories are lovely, and the indigenous children who are the main characters are beautifully well-drawn and fleshed out. The final story (about an old woman suffering with loneliness and struggling to get by) is unadulterated joy and light. B6 size, 144 pp.

Issued date:2017/12/01
Price:¥1,320(tax included)