“”American Woman Who came in the middle of the storm in Japan” – ( Arashi no Nihon he kita Amerika Josei, Senkyoshi Betty Whewell no Kiseki )

Written by Tsugio Ishiguro and Issac Ishiguro

This is Mino Mission’s 100th Anniversary publication. In the early 1930’s, Japan was in the middle of military government, against the Christianity. Mino Mission was the attack-target from the government. In the middle of this big anti-Christianity times, American woman missionary, Betty Whewell, arrived in Japan almost as though she were diving into this big storm. This book shares of her many battles of her ministry, and how she handed over her faith to the next generation. We can really see the hand of the Lord in her dramatic life in Japan. B6 size, 182 pages. ISBN 978-4-264-03962-4 C0016

Issued date:2018/10/20
Price:¥1,100(tax included)