Dining Table for the Heart Colored by the Seasons ( Kisetsu de Irodoru Kokoro no Shokutaku )

Yūka Yamagata Footman, Kumi Saitō, photos

The author has lived for 40 years in England and has chosen 24 food recipes, two for each month of the year, that she learned from the people in her church as they brought the food to the church fellowship meals. She shares the interesting history of the foods, many quite traditional in England and British “soul food”, along with Bible messages on the theme for the month or based on Bible passages referred to in the history of the food. A fascinating introduction to English culture. Recipes for the body and the spirit. Good for people new to Christianity. Full-color photos of the seasons and of the food accompany each recipe. Forest Books. B5 size, 88 pp. ISBN978-4-264-04326-3 ¥1,000+

Issued date:2021/11/01
Price:¥1,100(tax included)