A Pastor and His Wife Slow Down to Embrace Their Sunset Season o ( Bokushi Fuufu no Ganbaranai Keiroh Seikatsu )

Hisao Nakamura

A life of "fullness of years and blessings" - A church pastor and his wife have walked together for 62 years and been involved in church planting, living in extreme poverty, providing nursing care, and individually experiencing serious illness. The final stage of their lives is approaching, and they clearly see what is truly important. The author, who has pastored three churches in Kanagawa and Kagawa prefectures, talks about his "retirement" life in a memoir of grace. B6 size, 224 pp. ISBN978-4-264-04496-3 ¥1,600+

Issued date:2024/05/25
Price:¥1,760(tax included)