Now I Become Myself: How Deep Grace Heals Our Shame and Restores ( Moh Jibun o Kakusanai: Haji o Iyasu Ooinaru Magumi )

Ken Shigematsu

You're not alone when it comes to experiencing shame or fear of not being enough. Shame isn't felt only by those who have gone through failure or trauma or been told they'll never amount to anything. Many people—even those who are considered successful—struggle with a sense that they are deficient or inadequate. Written with pastoral compassion and understanding, award-winning author and pastor Ken Shigematsu shows how a deep, experiential encounter with the love of God can heal us of our shame, make us whole again, and inspire us to fulfill our purpose by making a faithful contribution to the world. Each chapter concludes with a prayer exercise intended to nurture your relationship with God. 46 size, 224 pp. ISBN978-4-264-04505-2 ¥1,800+

Issued date:2024/07/01
Price:¥1,980(tax included)