Ribbons of Blue, Voices of Prayer ( Buruu Ribon no Inori )

Sakie Yokota, Setsuko Shinbo, Makiko Saito, Mitsue Makino

In 1977, Sakie Yokotaユs daughter, Megumi, then 13, was abducted by North Korea to help train its spies. In the time since then, Sakie encountered God and began a walk with Him, supported by missionaries and Christian friends. Now Sakie and three of her close friends, share their stories. She says, "I want to share with my daughter when she comes back, how God's hand was upon me, and how I was supported by everyone's prayers.モ Recently supporters have multiplied who press for rescuing all those abducted and show their support by wearing blue ribbons. Forest Books Imprint. Hardcover.

Issued date:2003/11/25
Price:¥1,320(tax included)