What's Christmas? ( Kurisumasutte Nahni? )

Max Bolliger, Illustrated by Giovanni Manna

Original Swiss title: Weinachten ist, wenn. Assia, a dark-skinned immigrant girl from a country where Christmas is not celebrated, asks her classmates what Christmas is? They answer with their favorite seasonal foods, decorations, gifts and activities with their families. Then the teacher introduces the advent wreath and tells the story of Jesus' birth as they prepare for their Nativity play, which includes a dark-skinned Wise Man part just right for Assia. She concludes Christmas is a time of joy for everyone. Introduces Christmas customs and teaches children to accept others who look different. B5 size, 32 pages. Hardcover. Forest Books imprint.

Issued date:2004/10/25
Price:¥1,571(tax included)