The Silence of Adam: Becoming Men of Courage in a World of Chaos ( Adamu no Chinmoku )

Larry Crabb with Al Andrews and Don Michael Hudson.

Why didn't Adam step in to protect and lead Eve when she was deceived and they fell from grace? Adam failed to trust in God's word and example, and modern men do the same when, in dealing with uncertainties, they retreat into self-righteousness and toughness that mask anger and fear. Male emotional paralysis often blights marriages, father-son relationships, and even male friendships. Men must trust God's redemptive creativity in times of trial. Men have a rich calling to reveal God in ways uniquely masculine. Crabb challenges men to move beyond their fear of failure that paralyzes them in spiritual matters and relationships to bold risk-taking, action, deep spirituality, and full-hearted living.

Issued date:2005/08/29
Price:¥2,200(tax included)