Is There Really a Second Chance to Be Saved? ( Sekando Chansu wa Hontou ni Aru noka? )

William Wood

When a person dies who has not trusted Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins, is there another chance after death to be saved from sin's condemnation? Many believers with unbelieving loved ones who have died ask this question. Recently some Japanese and Western teachers of "a wider mercy" have been saying "yes" and have been giving Bible passages as proof. Some focus on the difference between temporary Hades and eternal Hell. The author answers that Scripture clearly says we only have this life to choose for Christ. He addresses each of the proof texts for a second chance. This important teaching motivates believers to share the good news of salvation in Christ with everyone. 21st Century Booklet #35. A5 size, 88pp.

Issued date:2007/07/31
Price:¥880(tax included)