Five Languages of Apology ( Yurushi o Motarasu 5tsu no Houhou )

Gary Chapman and Jennifer Thomas

Conflict with others is part of life---and so is the need to say that you're sorry. Using revealing research and real-life examples, Chapman and psychologist Thomas offer proven techniques for speaking and hearing effective apologies; and outline practical steps for repairing relationships with spouses, friends, family members, and co-workers. Includes Apology Assessment Profile. You need to learn the "language" of the person you are apologizing to: for one person, it may be expressing regret, while for another it's accepting responsibility or making restitution. Especially useful is the chapter that helps readers learn which language of apology feels most sincere to them. 416 pp.

Issued date:2008/10/01
Price:¥2,200(tax included)