Start Again Volume 1 ( Start Again Joh )

Jonah Ishikawa

Fantasy Novel with biblical themes in 2 volumes. In a world where people came after fleeing a damaged Earth, war continues. The girl Rafia finds a necklace with a beautiful stone in an antique shop. When she puts it on it imbeds itself into her body and she cannot take it off. Then at night a man with the same kind of stone on his forehead flies from the northern desert to her. What is the meaning of the stones? Why is there a hole in her soul? Why does she find herself committing violence? What is this book the refugees brought with them from Earth long ago? Is there any chance that peace will come to this world? She embarks on a journey to find the Creator and discover if He has forsaken them. B6 size, 272 pp. ¥1,200

Issued date:2011/11/20
Price:¥1,257(tax included)