Keeping Holiday ( Honmono no Machi )

Starr Meade; Sohichi Kurita, illus.

Christmas fantasy novel. The whole family will enjoy this delightful story of a boy and a girl who enter into a mysterious snowy world. Dylan loves his family's yearly vacation to Holiday. He knows there must be more to Holiday than presents, eating, & being with others. When he finds a flyer asking if he'd like to keep Holiday, he finds a bigger and better city than the one his family has always visited, the real Holiday. Entering it requires the Founder's authorization. Thus begins Dylan's quest to meet him. People say: "You can't find the Founder; he finds you. He's not just the Founder, he's the Finder too." In their adventures, he and Clare meet characters who explain how each feature of Holiday points to the Founder's previous rescue of the city's inhabitants. The allegory reveals the wonder of the Incarnation and of the "Christmas" that occurs when God finds a lost sinner. Many kanji have furigana pronunciation marks. Reading level is 5th grade and up. B6* size, 288 pp. ¥1,365

Issued date:2012/10/20
Price:¥1,430(tax included)