Samurai Woman Yae Niijima ( Samurai Wohman Niijima Yae )

Yoshimasa Moribe

Third title in the “Samurai Who Read the Bible Series.“ Yae Yamamoto grew up in Aizu (Fukushima) as daughter of the gunnery master for the local lord. She donned men’s clothes to fight against imperial forces at the end of the Tokugawa Era. Moving to Kyoto she nursed her war wounded brother who became a Christian. She also trusted Christ, married Jo Niijima and the 3 of them founded Doshisha University. Yae had a great impact on Japanese women and encouraged new professional roles for women such as nursing. She is the subject of an NHK TV drama series aired in 2013. Forest Books. B6* size, 144 pp.

Issued date:2013/04/25
Price:¥1,320(tax included)