Manga Genesis I ( Manga Jeneshisu I )

Written and illustrated by Kelly Shinozawa

Written and illustrated by Kelly Shinozawa Volume 1 in a 3-volume Genesis series. Here is a dynamic, full-color manga (comic book style) version of the stories from the book of Genesis in the Bible. This first volume tells the story from the creation of the world to God closing the door of Noah’s Ark. This exciting introduction to the Bible tells how the universe began and what the Creator God‘s plan and purpose is for us humans on this planet. It focuses on the people and their relationship to their Creator. It refers to major Old Testament and New Testament themes that are first introduced in Genesis. There are also articles scattered throughout the manga story that have science information from a young earth position. The story has furigana pronunciation marks (but not the articles) so all can enjoy, from children to adults. Forest Books. A5 size, 288 pp.

Issued date:2013/05/01
Price:¥1,320(tax included)