Christian Mission in the Modern World ( Konnichi ni Okeru Kirisutosha no Senkyoh )

John Stott, Christopher J. H. Wright

Jesus sends us into the world just as the Father sent him. And yet thousands of years later Christians continue to disagree on what this involves. Some believe that the focus of Christian mission is evangelizing and "saving souls." Others emphasize global justice issues or relief and development work. Is either view correct on its own? John Stott's classic book presents an enduring and holistic view of Christian mission that is just as needed today. Newly updated and expanded by Christopher J. H. Wright, it provides a biblically based approach to mission that addresses both spiritual and physical needs. With his trademark and unparalleled clarity and conviction, Stott illuminates how the Great Commission itself not only assumes the proclamation that makes disciples, but also teaches obedience to the Great Commandment of love and service. B6 size, 400 pp.

Issued date:2016/10/05
Price:¥2,200(tax included)