What Do the Marvels of the Natural World Reveal? ( Shizenkai no Fushigi wa Nani o Arawasu? )

EHC/Bible Learning

First Encounter with the Bible Series #2. ”Science is the figuring out of the works of the Creator God in nature.”- Galileo Galilei. This tract explores God’s creation and science. Galileo, who was called “the father of modern science” and “the father of observational astronomy” was also a faithful Christian who used science to reveal God’s creation and its intelligent, mathematical design. As examples of that design, it shows how Fibonacci numbers appear in patterns of nature, and how some moths and butterflies are protected from predators by the design on their wings that looks exactly like the eyes of an owl. Many scientists agree with Galileo and believe there is a designer who is the Creator God. This article was taken from Bible Guide MOOK on the Bible Learning website at biblelearning.net. Pack of 50. ¥750+

Issued date:2020年04月01日
Price:¥825(tax included)